Smart Rescue™
Smart Rescue provides innovative, life-critical incident response solutions to ensure that organizations, crisis teams and emergency services can prevent and respond quickly to public or personal emergencies.
In emergency response, every second counts!
Our innovative, life-critical Smart Rescue solutions help rescue services and other organizations prevent and respond to alarms, threats, and emergencies and act quickly. In addition to being used by rescue services, our solutions are also applied in schools, municipalities, industries, event arenas, hotels, and other critical societal functions.
Prevent or reduce the impact of a school incident until external help arrive.
We make municipalities, industries, businesses and organizations into safer workplaces.
Limits personal injuries and safeguard workplaces.
Speed up and shorten your lead-time between alarm and action with our digital in- and outward alarm transmission solution.
Set up your up local alarm receiving center to increase efficiency and save costs.
AddSecure offers on-site preventive threat and violence training and also as an online training option.
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Secure, reliable, and proven IoT connectivity solutions
Our Smart Rescue solutions combine secure IoT connectivity platforms, software and services tailored to meet your needs. The solutions are monitored 24/7/365 and provide a clear path from incident to response. Workplace and personal alarms are combined with our dispatching software to dispatch signals in multiple channels, facilitating faster local responses to critical incidents. Local responses are either handled through third-party alarm receiving centers (ARCs) or on-site by customers with local alert systems.
Our expertise
Smart Rescue’s expertise lies in providing advanced emergency response solutions using secure IoT connectivity and software offered as end-to-end solutions.
The importance of secure IoT communications and safe data
Secure IoT connectivity solutions are vital for our rescue customers’ life- and business critical operations. They will help you save lives, protect property and vital public services, and drive your business operations.