Co-Driver Migration, interview with Yves Le Bourdoulous, Information Systems Manager at Ambroise Bouvier Transports.
What needs justified the installation of the new Co-Driver solution? Were you already equipped, and when and how did the installation happen?
We have been using the solution since 2014 and we decided to install the new Co-Driver version at the end of 2019. We wanted to standardize the use of the same solution on the whole fleet and needed an upgrade from the old solution. With the new Co-Driver version we benefit from new functionalities and technical improvements. The deployment was very well supervised. The commitment of the project managers and the AddSecure technicians made the operation a success.
How do you use Co-Driver ?
Our fleet is equipped with on-board computers (Roadbox AddSecure) that collect vehicle and driver information. This data is sent directly in real time to the office team working on Weboffice Co-Driver. This project concerns 5 companies in the group and about ten planning. A planning is a group of transport managers who work on a specific group of vehicles to organize transports. We divide our activities according to business and customers requirements. These are then put into around ten different sub-groups.
It is important to us that the AddSecure tool fits this way of working. We create user and vehicle groups, which are very convenient to organize and plan our work. Each transport manager sees the vehicles they work with on a map in real-time without seeing the entire fleet. With Tracking and Timeline we follow which driver is driving which vehicle for a given period of time. We also work with Driving-and Rest Time. The rules are strict, so it is essential for us to know the details of the driving times. In the same way it is important for drivers to have access to this information. With the Co-Driver application, drivers can consult and register their working times (driving, rest, meals…) on their smartphone. They also have the possibility to add the different activities related to their work (non-driving). Drivers communicate in real time with the operations via Messaging. They can also control their driving thanks to Eco-driving data. All the driver’s needs are gathered in a single tool.
The solution is also useful for our finance and human resources departments, thanks to the downloading of the legal files. They are used to calculate salaries, expenses, and to control working hours. The significant evolution of archiving on D+1 (instead of D+7 before) means that our teams are working with up-to-date data.
Finally, our mechanical workshop can monitor in real time if all the vehicles are well connected. We can now react quickly if immediate actions are required.

The AddSecure solution is particularly simple and quick to deploy with an average of 30 to 45 minutes installation time per vehicle depending on the brand. We have benefited from AddSecure’s excellent support and the daily commitment of the project manager.
Yves Le Bourdoulous, Information Systems Manager at Ambroise Bouvier Transports
Do you get more data and information about your fleet (vehicles/drivers)?
With the new version of Co-Driver, we have access to more data about the fleet and more accurate data. The processing of this data is also faster, which helps us to improve our work and save time.
How do you work with Eco-Driving?
Based on the AddSecure Eco-driving parameters and the score assigned to the drivers, we send them a monthly report to help keep them motivated and improve their driving.
Drivers have access to these indicators on their smartphones and can view their driving progress. We have noticed a very good response from drivers towards this tool.
How does AddSecure help you work more efficiently?
The possibilities offered by the tool to fit our needs and create groups is a very important point. Having a smartphone with the Co-Driver application means drivers have only one tool to access all the functionalities useful for their job.
The final objective with Addsecure is to benefit from one telematics solution including all the tools for fleet management. The more we extend the functionalities and modules in a single system, such as the AddSecure solution, the more efficient we become.
Can you list a number of benefits related to your fleet management system?
- Simplified and harmonized communication flows.
- Fine configuration of rights in the tool according to groups and resources.
- The accuracy of positioning, (helps in the treatment of violations)
- Installation times of the equipment – 30 to 45 minutes per vehicle
- More efficient communication protocols
- More and better TMS Interface
- Communication to our customers (tracking and position of their delivery).
- Speedy collection of legal files
- Time-saving for human resources for the salary administration