Transition to a dynamic distribution grid
We are facing a major shift, where the entire electricity-based energy system is changing. The distribution grid will be highly affected by the phasing out of large-scale production that is dependent on fossil fuels – and with time even nuclear power. The power grid of the future must be able to manage an increased share of wind and solar power and a large-scale infrastructure for charging electric vehicles.
The power grid also has to be able to meet the needs of customers who expect guaranteed operations and require new smart services to control their own consumption. Through connected devices and smart IoT solutions, AddSecure Smart Grids will provide access to a completely new type of knowledge support for decision-making.
With Smart Grids, the customer will be able to improve delivery reliability and optimize the use of power grids.

IoT solutions and new requirements from consumers results in completely new demands.
Anders Savetun, Distribution Manager at Affärsverken in Karlskrona
A solution for smarter power grids
Generally speaking, the distribution manager will need to know more about what is happening in the grid right now, preferably in real time. To acquire this knowledge about the status and quality of the grid, there will be need for more measurements and parameters, from more points and occasions. In some cases continuously. This is why Affärsverken turned to Addsecure for help. And with their help, they have developed a new solution for smart power grids that enables a basis for decision making for operations and investments in the distribution grid. The power grid will be optimized through energy measurement, data acquisition and analysis.
“The aim of this project is to manage the power grid in a way where actions and desicions are based on current and validated measurements data. preferably in real time, with all the systematic calculations presented in an educational and visually accessible manner.” says Erling Gustafsson, Business developer at AddSecure.
Smart Grids from AddSecure means access to a completely new base for decision-making for operations and investments in the distribution grid. There is currently no corresponding overall solution on the market today. The solution means increased energy efficiency and a reduced number of customers affected by disruptions. And on top of that – reduced energy costs.