Asset Pro by AddSecure
Trailer positioning and temperature monitoring.

AddSecure Asset Pro is used for tracking of the goods in your trucks and trailers. It also offers temperature monitoring. It is easily installed in your truck or trailer and transmits its positions and other key data to Co-Driver Weboffice where you access the data collected on the field. Asset Pro has a rechargeable battery so that data can be transmitted also when the trailer is decoupled.
Maintain an unbroken cold chain
Through the temperature monitoring service, you make sure to keep the cold chain unbroken. It requires at least two (2) temperature sensors per cargo space:
- Inlet air, what temperature is added to the goods?
- Return air, how much does the goods get the temperature to rise or fall?
Use independent sensors or connect with the temperature loggers
- Connect to the reefer and use the existing sensors or use wired or wireless sensors from AddSecure.
- Use up to eight wired or wireless temperature sensors.
- Asset Pro is compatible with the most common loggers for refrigerated transports.
- Access data from cooling units like temp. and thresholds (when connected directly to the logger)
- The driver can access the temperature data in their screens through the additional service “Driver Temperature Monitoring”.
Key features
- GPS positioning, tracking and geofencing
- Start and stop reports
- Temperature Monitoring
- Temperature Alarm
- Driver Temperature Monitoring (option)
Monitor the temperature of your goods in real-time.
Let your drivers access temperature data via the optional service “Driver Temperature Monitoring”.
Easy installation
The installation is easy thanks to the reduced size of the Asset Pro unit and its peripherals as well as its connection to wireless sensors. When Asset Pro is not powered it does not transmit radio signals and is for this reason not possible to detect. When it starts moving it wakes up and sends positions. This means that it can be used for localizing stolen trailers in an efficient way.
Asset Pro is delivered by default with a standard configuration that optimizes the use of the battery while optimizing the precision of the route. For this reason, the behavior is different when moving or standing still and when connected to the power supply or not.
The ignition is on (power)
When the ignition is on, Asset Pro sends a position every 2 minutes and at each significant turn when moving. If not moving, it sends a position every 10 minutes. When the vehicle has been standing still for 90 seconds it is recorded as a stop. When it has been driving with at least 10 km/h for at least 10 seconds it is recorded as a start.
The ignition is not on (no power)
When the battery is not powered on, Vehco Asset Pro sends a position every 6 hours. With this setting, the battery has an autonomy of 4 weeks.
Automatic Trailer Coupling:
The automatic trailer coupling is made to analyse the data of your different equipment from the trucks and the trailers (Roadbox and Asset Light) so that the positions are constantly compared in order to check the probabilities of being coupled. To match the positions of your equipment, AddSecure uses algorithms normally used in artificial intelligence. If a matching position is found, the equipment will be displayed in Weboffice Co-driver as connected. You will also get access to a tracking view report of the coupling in the map and a detailed reports with the driver, vehicle and coupling informations. The automatic trailer coupling offers an easier access to the information, a better temperature monitoring follow-up and also minimises manual errors.
Compact units that are fast and easy to install
Positions and temperature data presented at the same map as the trucks (Co-Driver Office)
Connection to the most common dataloggers of refrigeration units at the market
Collect mileage data based on GPS positions
Can be used for localization of stolen trailers
Configure and get temperature alarms